Friday, August 8, 2008

Here comes the party.

Yesterday was our first gig of three with
Scott Miller and The Commonwealth.

Got to the show and realized we had excellent billing.

There were two of those huge banners... one on each side of the huge stage.
In a huge civic auditorium.
It was a graduation party for the electricians' union.
They had a catered dinner of fried chicken and ribs...
that was comical to me.

These things were also comical to me:

yes, that's a ramp.
and a shopping cart.
video footage to come.

Enter: The Commonwealth.
This is Sean, Scott's drummer.
In my swimsuit... well, it WAS mine - now it's more of a community possession.

It's always great with the show ends early.
Some shots from the afterparty:

Big Al:

Scott's band:

The man with the beer is in charge of our career.
He sure is fun, though. :-)

Scott and Maude:

Just before this, Cody told me that he felt like a goat.
Then I understood.

A lot of love in the room...

If you're around Asheville, NC, there will be more of the same tonight.
More pictures to come...

We love you.

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